Organized Sessions & Conferences
“Armenian Studies: Literature and Art I & II.” Session organizer for the 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2022.
“Jewish – Christian Relations and Christian Anti-Jewish Polemics in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.” Conference organizer at the University of Toronto, May 2022.
Invited Talks & Public Lectures
“In Others’ Words: Impersonation and Legitimation in Jewish and Christian Texts from Late Antique and the Middle Byzantine Periods.” Public lecture at the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies and the Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto, February 2022.
“It Happened Earlier Than You Think: The Jewish-Christian Disputations in Late Antiquity.” Invited talk at the Medieval Lunch Series, Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Michigan, November 2017.
“Immateriality of Objects in Material Texts: The Case of the Maccabean Shrine.” Invited talk at the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, University of Michigan, January 2015.
“The Synagogue as a Female Deviant: Slut-Shaming and Other Female-Stigmatization.” Paper to be presented at the Society of Biblical Literature, November 2023.
“Christian Imagination of Jews as Criminals and Criminalization of Jews.” Paper to be presented at the 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2023.
“Demonizing the Jew in Byzantine Apocalyptic Works.” Paper presented at the Demons Good and Bad International Conference, at Trinity College, Dublin, October 2022.
“Between Utopia and Reality: The Jews in Byzantine Hagiographies from the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries CE.” Paper presented at the 24th International Conference of Byzantine Studies, August 2022.
“Adversus Iudaeos Dialogues in Old Armenian. A Case of a Jewish Threat?” Paper presented at the 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2022.
“Disseminating Anti-Jewish Hatred in Medieval Theater: The Jews in Byzantine Tragedy and the Case of the Christos Paschōn.” Paper presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, March 2022.
“Rabbinic and Post-Rabbinic Views on Mary in the Midst of a Christian Theological Environment.” Paper presented at The Virgin Beyond Borders International Conference, March 2022.
“Narratives of Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Late Antiquity and the Middle Byzantine Period.” Paper presented at the Association for Jewish Studies, December 2021.
“Polarizing the Female Breast and Breastfeeding: Gendered Perceptions of Babylonian Rabbis and Christian Authors in the Late Antique and Middle Byzantine Periods.” Paper presented at the Motherhood and Breastfeeding in Antiquity and Byzantium International Conference, November 2021.
“Christian Claims of a Religious Legitimacy: Christian Dialogical Discussions on Icons and Idols in the Adversus Iudaeos Dialogues.” Paper presented at the North American Patristics Society, May 2021.
“The Athigganoi as the ‘Supervillain’ in the Byzantine Empire: Crossing Identities between Jews and ‘Heretical’ Christians.”Paper presented at the 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2021.
“A Human’s Reaction to Disaster: Personal Suffering in Byzantine Liturgical Poetry on Job.” Paper presented at the Association for Jewish Studies, December 2020.
“Creating Critical Editions with the Aid of Digital Humanities: Presenting the Case of Three Adversus Iudaeos Dialogues Written on the eve of the Fall of the Eastern Byzantine Empire.” Paper invited to be presented at an International Conference- Humanities in the Digital Era, Athens, Greece (Paper accepted to be presented – Conference was canceled due to COVID-19).
“The Christian Christ and the Rabbinic Messiah: Jewish and Christian discussions on the Divinity of Jesus.” Paper presented at the American Society for Church History Conference, January 2020.
“Reading the Adversus Iudaeos Dialogues Through Narratology: Retrieving a Culture of Jewish-Christian Disputation in Late Antiquity.” Paper presented at the conference on Narratology for Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, in Innsbruck, Austria, November 2019.
“A Medieval Religion of Iconolatry: The Epistemology of the Materialization of the Contact with the Divine in the Christian Discussions on Icons and Idols in the Adversus Iudaeos Dialogues.” Paper presented at the 58th Midwest Medieval History Conference, Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, September 2019.
“Disceptatio Christiani et Saraceni: Dialogical Format and Theology as Signs of Contact.” Paper presented at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, July 2017.
“Perceptions of “Otherness” at the Eastern Borders of the Roman Empire: Syriac Multivocal Literature on the Jews.” Paper presented at the North American Patristics Society, Chicago, IL, May 2017.
“‘Τίνα με Λέγουσιν οἱ Ἄνθρωποι Εἶναι;’ Wearing a Philosopher’s Cloak: Was Justin a Christian?” Paper presented at the North American Patristics Society, Chicago, IL., May 2016.
“Galileans, Nazarenes and Jewish Christians in the works of Emperor Julian, Epiphanius of Salamis, and John Chrysostom: Development and Discontinuity.” Paper presented at the Near Eastern Studies Graduate Colloquium, University of Michigan, February 2015.